Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don't Get Lost In The Dark

     There are going to be times in our life when we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we can just say in ourselves it’s not about what I can see but who I know.  You know the saying it’s not about what you know but whom you know; in this case it’s both.  What’s on the inside is going to come on the outside.  And because we know Christ we can be sure that he is with us in this darkness, that he will never leave us or forsake us, neither will he fail us. 
     Its easy to get lost in the dark, because of the unfamiliar surroundings, we can begin to venture off on our own, trying to seek and find a way out.  Not knowing where we are going to end up at can lead us anywhere if we aren’t careful.  Our experimenting can take us places we really don’t want to go.  At these dark times in our life we must seek the creator of the universe.  We must ask him and expect him to guide us.  We must not lean unto our own understanding, but yes acknowledge him, because he does exist and he is our Lord and King.  Don’t seek a way out seek the Lord. 

Hebrews 11:6 Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.  God rewards them that diligently seek him.  Expect God to come through for you.  It is only possible if you believe.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness


     I don’t want all my life’s goals or motives to be centered around me on what makes me happy.  Yes, I believe I should be happy but I don’t think I should be on a quest or search for happiness.  If I don’t find happiness in the state or place I am in why am I tricking and deceiving myself to believe I will find it someplace else.  I listen to people and I watch people lives, some say they are happy after a divorce, a break-up or even separation.  Does happiness come from achieving what we want or just being content with what we have?
     I won’t seek after what makes me happy, I will seek after what makes God happy.  My life is not about me anymore it’s about God.  And the truth is He wants me happy.  I can be happy right now it’s just all in the perception the way we see things.  We have to give God thanks in all things.  We can find joy in our sorrow and pain.  I never knew it was possible to have joy and sorrow at the same time, until I experienced it personally.  I am learning how to laugh, smile and even dance in my storm.
     People will advice you by having good attentions to tell you to get out of that situation.  Because they want you happy and they have your best interest in heart.  Getting out doesn’t always make it better.  Wait until God brings you out.  We can’t say okay God I have had enough of this, now I am leaving.  We are fighting against the will and plan of God with that attitude.  You can take it, you just don’t want to and you feel like you shouldn’t have to. 
      The truth is you won’t be happy everyday.  Life has a way of waking us up and humbling us.  Don’t expect life or people to make you happy, happiness is your responsibility your state of heart and mind.  Get rid of stinking thinking, it will rid you of health, life and prosperity.  God is a God of peace and not confusion, settle your heart and spirit, sit still long enough to know he is God.  He will come through for you, he will comfort you, he will help and sustain you. 
     Peace and contentment go hand and hand.  Happiness lasts for a moment, but God’s peace is everlasting.  We can be happy and not have peace.  I want peace for then joy follows because of the hope that’s alive in my heart from the Holy Spirits confirmation of God’s love toward me.  I pray dear Lord of all, I don’t have to understand every thing, I don’t have to know everything, just let me rest in knowing you.  The greatest happiness and feeling of peace you can ever experience or even have is knowing God.
     When I was a teenager I remember running away from unpleasant situations.  I couldn’t stick around because I didn’t know how to handle it.  I would go over friends house just to avoid going home.  I trained my mind like that for years if you don’t like something get out, or make plans to go somewhere else.  Something is wrong with that because we never learn anything.  That mentality got me in a lot trouble and caused me to make a lot of bad choices.  Because I was seeking to feel good, I felt empty and I was filling it with everything but God.  We want to feel good all the time, it’s time to accept the truth that you won’t feel good all the time and that’s okay.